Sarah E. Moran, University of Arizona Planetary Scientist: “Confirmed earth-sized exoplanet” | The scientist reveals the studies about alien worlds ENGLISH VERSION Sarah E. Moran, University of Arizona Planetary Scientist: “Confirmed earth-sized exoplanet” | The scientist reveals the studies about alien worlds Fabio Meneghella 3 Marzo 2023 We met Sarah E. Moran, Postdoctoral Planetary Scientist with the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory of the University...Read More
Sarah E. Moran, Planetologa dell’University of Arizona: “Confermato un pianeta simile alla Terra” | La scienziata svela gli studi sugli esopianeti SCIENZA Sarah E. Moran, Planetologa dell’University of Arizona: “Confermato un pianeta simile alla Terra” | La scienziata svela gli studi sugli esopianeti Fabio Meneghella 3 Marzo 2023 Abbiamo incontrato Sarah E. Moran, Planetologa post-dottorato presso il Lunar and Planetary Laboratory dell’University of Arizona di...Read More