Ronn Moss, from success in Beautiful to love for music: “Everyone knows Ridge, but that’s who I really am”

Ronn Moss became famous on the world television scene thanks to his presence in the well-known American soap opera Beautiful.

After his departure from the series, the actor became even more known for his singing and artistic skills. His career has in fact been full of successes and satisfactions, and he has now told himself to the microphones of Kosmo Magazine. In fact, his new album Surprise trip Love is recent, made during his travels between the United States and Puglia (Italy).

You are an international star and you have enjoyed great worldwide success since the beginning, but how did your passion for art and entertainment come about? When did you realize it was going to be your way?

I was exposed to ballet, opera, stage plays, and much live classical music when I was a child. I would listen to albums of classical, jazz, folk, California surf music, and rock and roll. When I saw the Beatles perform on The Ed Sullivan Show on TV, everything changed for me. This is what I wanted to do. Music! It seemed such a wonderful language that everyone could feel and understand. I also wanted to be a doctor. I studied all the pre-med in school, worked in hospitals. Then during college, I had to make a decision. Do I continue with minimum 8 years of studying medicine, or do I go for the artistic path? I chose the artistic.

Let’s talk about your new album Surprise Trip Love. Where did the idea for this project come from?

Me and my producing partner, Tiziano Cavaliere, were driving from Puglia to Milano when we formed the story idea for our recent movie, Viaggio a Sorpresa (Surprise Trip). We filmed it mostly in Puglia. I wrote the music for this film while I was in Milano and then in Puglia as well. We decided it would be good to continue this project with a follow up album based on our movie. So I wrote a hand full of new songs to complete the album. “Surprise Trip Love” was the title track of the movie so that became also the title of the new album for me.

Ronn Moss si racconta (foto gentilmente concessa dall’uff. stampa L’Altoparlante) kosmomagazine.it

This is a record that was made between the United States and Puglia (Italy). You have always revealed that you are a true lover of the Apulian territory. What do you like most about Puglia and how much has this region influenced your work lately?

I love the tranquility of Puglia. I also love feeling everything growing around me. The massive amount of olive trees, the vines for wine, the amazing organic vegetables. They all produce a wonderful energy. I feel a great positive energy here in Puglia and that definitely inspired a lot of creative new music and lyrics from me this last year.

You will soon do some live concerts in Italy where you will present your album. What are your expectations and what, in your opinion, will be the reaction of the public?

I can never predict anyones reaction to anything. But I am hoping people in Italy will be curious and open to experiencing this other creative side of me. I know everyone knows me as “Ridge” for the last 30 years, but I’m hoping they will now know Ronn, the song writer and musician.

From your success in Beautiful to your current projects: you’ve come a long way, but what has changed in all this time?

I’ve become more free to do what makes me happy creatively and personally. I no longer work for anyone but myself. My time is my own.

Ronn Moss si racconta (foto gentilmente concessa dall’uff. stampa L’Altoparlante) kosmomagazine.it

How has your art evolved over the years?

It’s become more personal. More introspective. I feel my lyrics and music come from divine inspiration. Also from dreams. A couple of these songs definitely came to me in a dream.

What are your future projects? Can you anticipate something?

I’m already starting on recording new songs and there are a couple new movie projects we are planning for next year. One is a psychological thriller and the other is going to be a classic western. I’ve always wanted to film a western. I grew up with them.

Published by
Stefania Meneghella